Voter Registration in New Hampshire

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How to Register to Vote in New Hampshire:

There are three ways to register to vote in New Hampshire:

  • Register in person at your town or city clerk’s office
  • Register in person with your community’s Supervisors of the checklist. By law, the Supervisors of the Checklist are required to meet on the Saturday 6-13 days prior to each election. Check the local newspaper or call your clerk’s office for the date and time of such meeting.
  • Register at your polling place on Election Day All voters are asked to show proof of identity, age, citizenship, and domicile, which can be satisfied either with documents or by signing an affidavit.

Inform voters that if they register and vote at the polls on Election Day, and do not meet ID verification requirements, they will get an affidavit ballot with a postage-paid voter verification letter, which must be returned with a copy of required ID within 7 days for the ballot to be certified.

An individual is eligible to vote if they are:

  • At least 18-years-old by Election Day
  • A U.S. citizen
  • Domiciled in the city or town where the person is registering to vote

Proof can be satisfied in the following ways, or if you do not have documents with you and you are not registering to vote on Election Day, by affidavit:

  • A driver’s license or non-driver ID from any state satisfies proof of identity and age
  • A birth certificate, U.S. Passport/card, or naturalization document satisfies proof of citizenship.

See here for a list of all acceptable IDs: 02/5-2023-voter-id-explanatory-document.pdf

  • Domicile: any reasonable documentation showing that the person is domiciled in the city or town in which they wish to register, or completion of a Domicile Affidavit.
  • Reasonable documentation can include:
    • Driver’s license or other New Hampshire ID card issued by New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles showing your current domicile address
    • Any state or federal tax form, other government form, or government ID that shows your name and domicile address
    • A document from the school they student attends showing they live in campus housing, including showing the election official a page from the institution’s official site showing the dorm assignment or off-campus residence address.
    • A rental agreement, lease, or similar document that shows the voter’s name and the address of the domicile.
    • A public utility bill showing the voter’s name and domicile address on it.

Obtaining Applications

Applications to register to vote must be obtained by visiting the town or city clerk’s office.Please note that New Hampshire town and city clerks will only accept the federal form as a request for their own absentee voter mail-in registration form. Find the federal form here: New Hampshire absentee voter mail-in registration form must be received by the city or town clerk by 10 days before the election.
Fair Elections Center and Campus Vote Project intend the information contained herein to be used only as a general guide. This document should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a licensed New Hampshire legal professional.

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