Voter Registration Deadline (Paper applications): 4:30 pm on the 10th day before Election Day (may be extended due to weekends or Holidays).
Eligible voters can also register online at any time and register to vote and cast a ballot at the same time during the early voting period and on Election Day. For more information on same-day registration, please visit:
2024 Election Information
Paper Form Voter Registration Deadline: July 31
General Election: November 5
Paper Form Voter Registration Deadline: October 28
More election information at:
Online voter registration available at:
Mail-in PDF voter registration form available at:
Students have a decision about where to register to vote.
You have a right to register to vote at the address you consider the place where you live, whether that is your family’s home or the place where you attend school. You should update your registration anytime this home address changes.
You may only be registered and vote in one location.
Hawaii’s online voter registration requires your Hawaii driver’s license or ID number and the last four digits of your Social Security number. Hawaii’s mail-in voter registration application also asks for your Hawaii driver’s license or ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security number.
Hawaii does not require identification to receive and cast a ballot.
Make a plan. Hawaii conducts its elections predominantly by mail, but voters can vote at any in-person voter service center in their county. Find your county’s vote service center locations and hours at:
By Mail: Hawaii conducts elections predominantly by mail. All registered voters are sent a ballot by mail. However, voters who will be away from the address associated with their registration during the election period must submit an absentee ballot application no later than 4:30pm on the 7 days before Election Day.
Voters can return their completed ballots by mail to their county clerk’s office or in person at a designated place of deposit. Ballots must be received by the county elections division office by 7 p.m. on Election Day.
Track your mail ballot status at:
Find a list of designated places of deposit at:
Find your county elections division office at:
Early In Person: All Hawaii voters retain the right to vote in person. You can cast a ballot during the early voting period at any voter service center in your county, starting 10 days before Election Day through the day before Election Day during regular business hours. Clerks may operate additional voter services centers with varying days or hours or operation. A list of voter service centers is available at:
Election Day: All Hawaii voters retain the right to vote in person on Election Day at any voting service center in their county from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. A list of voter service centers is available at:
If you are in line by close of polls, then you have a right to vote.
Does Registering to Vote Affect my Federal Financial Aid?
Where you register to vote will not affect federal financial aid such as Pell Grants, Perkins or Stafford loans, or your dependency status for FAFSA.
Does Registering to Vote Affect my Status as a Dependent on My Parents’ Taxes?
Being registered to vote at a different address from your parents does not prevent them from claiming you as a dependent on their taxes.
Does Registering to Vote impact my Tuition Status?
Being deemed out-of-state for tuition purposes does not prevent you from choosing to register to vote in your campus community.
Will registering to vote in Hawaii affect my driver’s license or car registration?
As a full-time student in Hawaii, you may have to make these changes regardless of whether you vote in Hawaii. For more information, you may wish to contact your county’s driver’s license office.
Fair Elections Center and Campus Vote Project intend the information contained herein is used only as a general guide. This document should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a licensed Hawaii legal professional.
All rights reserved © Copyright 2025 by Fair Elections Center