Training Requirement: Wisconsin does not require training for registration drives.
Notification and Registration Requirements: Since the adoption of online voter registration, Wisconsin no longer has special registration deputies. The online voter registration form can be viewed here:
Given the documentary proof of residence requirement (see next page), voter registration drives can assist people in filling out a registration application, but they cannot collect and submit a registration application unless the applicant has a photocopy of their proof of residence and is willing to provide it to the drive volunteer for submission along with the voter registration application.
As a result, conducting a successful voter registration drive has become extremely difficult in Wisconsin.
There are no notification and registration requirements for voter registration drive volunteers because they cannot serve as special registration deputies.
Compensation Restrictions: Do not pay registration drive participants based on how many registrations they collect. It is a criminal offense in Wisconsin. Do not offer an applicant any incentive of monetary value to register to vote.
State Form: The state mail-in voter registration application (Form 131) is available to be downloaded from the Wisconsin Elections Commission’s website English, Spanish, and Hmong:
Federal Form: Organizations conducting voter registration drives should use the state voter registration application.
Photocopying Blank Forms: Blank applications may be photocopied and used in voter registration drives.
Except for military and overseas voters, and online registrants who must provide a valid license or ID number, all other registrants in all circumstances must provide a copy of their proof of residence when registering to vote or reregistering to change their name or address.
Voter registration drive volunteers must photocopy the voter’s proof of residence document for submission. Organizations may not retain a copy of the proof of residency. These photocopies must be submitted along with the applications.
Proof of residence must contain the voter’s name and current address.
The list of acceptable proof-of-residence documents is as follows*:
Incomplete Applications: Missing information may be filled in only with the permission of the applicant. Each applicant must sign his or her own name unless the applicant cannot due to a physical disability. In such case, the applicant may authorize another voter to sign the form on his or her behalf. The voter signing the form must attest to a statement that the application is made upon request and by authorization of a named elector who is unable to sign the form due to a physical disability. Municipal clerks will contact applicants to obtain any missing information.
Photocopying Completed Applications: Individuals or organizations conducting voter registration drives may not retain the following voter registration information: the date of birth, driver’s license number, department of transportation identification number, or last four digits of the social security number of an individual completing a voter registration application form.
*The back of the voter registration form currently available on the website also lists as acceptable proofs of residence: a pay stub; any official ID or license issued by a Wisconsin governmental body or unit; and for homeless persons, a letter from an organization that provides services to the homeless that identifies the voter and describes the location designated as the person’s residence for voting purposes. Contact the State of Wisconsin Elections Commission with any questions: Local: (608) 266-8005; Toll-Free: (866) VOTEWIS, Email:
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