Conducting a Voter Registration Drive in Virginia

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Voter Registration Deadline

For general and primary elections, applications must be received or postmarked 22 days before the election.

A specific turnaround time applies to voter registration drives turning in applications they collect. See below

Getting Started

State Guide: The state’s guide for voter registration drives can be found here: Guidelines-for-Voter-Registration-Drives.pdf

Please carefully read all the dos and don’ts in the guide. Additional information from the state’s department of elections on how to conduct a voter registration drive can be found here:

Training Requirement: Voter registration drive participants must register and complete training if they request 25 or more voter registration forms from the Virginia Department of Elections or their local Registrar. Contact your local election office to receive information on trainings. Online training is available at

Notification and Registration Requirements: Upon completion of training an organization or person will complete an affidavit and be allowed to request 25 or more voter registration forms. While only one person from an organization needs to complete the state sponsored training, that person must certify that all individuals engaging in the voter registration drive will be trained.

Compensation Restrictions: Under Virginia law, individuals and organizations may not pay registration drive volunteers or employees based on how many registrations they collect. Do not offer an applicant any incentive of monetary value to register to vote.

Obtaining Applications

State Form: Federal Form: The federal mail-in voter registration application may be used in voter registration drives: Blank Forms: Virginia law does not prohibit photocopying or printing blank forms for use in voter registration drives. However, the Department of Elections recommends that organizations request and use original forms provided by the Department of Elections or local election officials. However, an original signature is required on completed applications.

Handling Applications

Providing Receipts: Any third party accepting a voter registration application must complete and give the applicant a receipt that is located on the application, or provide the applicant with a receipt that requests and includes the same information on the receipt as is on the registration application.

The receipt must contain all of the following information:

  • The name, phone, and email address of the office, group, or individual receiving the application
  • The date that the office, group, or person received the registration application from the applicant
  • Contact information for the Department of Elections (pre-printed on the state form receipt).

Failure to provide a required receipt is a criminal offense.

Incomplete Applications: Do not mark, add, change or delete any information on the application. You may help someone fill out a registration form with express consent. If filling it out for a physically disabled person who cannot sign the form, you must check the appropriate box. For a complete list of dos and don’ts, see these guidelines: Guidelines-for-Voter-Registration-Drives.pdf

Photocopying Completed Applications: Under Virginia law, drives may not copy, disclose, or make any use of the applicant’s social security number, or any part of it. The is no law or rule prohibiting organizations conducting voter registration drives from otherwise copying or retaining information from completed registration applications for noncommercial, legitimate use.

Submitting Completed Applications: You must deliver or postmark completed applications to the local voter registration office or to ELECT within 10 days of signature date or by 5:00pm on the day of the next election’s registration deadline, whichever date comes first. The department of elections asks that all organizations provide an alphabetical list of all those registered when submitting completed applications.

Fair Elections Center and Campus Vote Project intend the information contained herein to be used only as a general guide. This document should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a licensed Virginia legal professional.

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