Training Requirement: Vermont does not require training for registration drives. The Secretary of State’s page on how to conduct a voter registration drive is located here:
Notification and Registration Requirements: Vermont does not have notification requirements for registration drives.
Compensation Restrictions: Do not pay registration drive participants based on how many registrations they collect. Do not offer an applicant any incentive of monetary value to register to vote.
State Form: Download and print the form from the Secretary of State’s website. To order voter registration forms
Federal Form: The federal mail-in voter registration application may be used in voter registration drives:
Photocopying Blank Forms: Blank applications may be photocopied and used in voter registration drives.
Incomplete Applications: Do not fill in any missing information on a registration form unless you have permission from the applicant.
Photocopying Completed Applications: As a best practice, a voter’s full or partial Social Security number and/or driver’s license number should not be retained.
Submitting Completed Applications: Completed voter registration forms must be submitted to the appropriate town clerk within seven days of acceptance or before the day of the next election, whichever is sooner: on/voters/townclerkguide.pdf
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