Conducting a Voter Registration Drive in Pennsylvania

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Voter Registration Deadline

Applications must be received by 5pm on the 15th day before Election Day.

Getting Started

The state’s voter registration drive guide is here: Voter-RegistrationGuide.pdf

Training Requirement: Pennsylvania does not require training for registration drives.

Notification and Registration Requirements: Pennsylvania does not have notification requirements for registration drives.

Compensation Restrictions: It is illegal to pay registration drive participants based on how many registrations they collect. Do not offer an applicant any incentive of monetary value to register to vote.

Obtaining Applications

State Form: Voter registration applications may be obtained from the Secretary of State’s website: English.pdf

Pennsylvania application forms are available for free through the Department of State. To request copies of the Voter Registration Application email or call 1-877-868-3772. Be sure to include the number of forms you want.

Federal Form: Voter registration organizations are asked to use Pennsylvania specific application forms, but may also use the federal voter registration application:

Photocopying Blank Forms: Blank applications may be photocopied and used in registration drives if they meet paper quality standards set by the Secretary of State’s office.

Handling Applications

Web API: Pennsylvania’s online voter registration system accepts applications from voters who can provide an electronic signature, even if they do not have a driver’s license. The state has developed a WebAPI for organizations, who must register with the Department of State’s Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation in order to use it at

More information is available here: PA-Online-Voter-Registration-Web-API—RFC.aspx

Filling out the Form: As a best practice, ask applicants to use their full legal name as it appears on their driver’s license or Social Security card.

Incomplete Applications: Do not fill in any missing information on a registration form unless you have express consent from the applicant. Any person who assists in the completion of a registration application must sign the application and indicate the person’s address.

Photocopying Completed Applications: As a best practice, a voter’s full or partial Social Security number and/or driver’s license number should not be retained.

Submitting Completed Applications: Completed voter registration applications must be submitted to the voter’s County Voter Registration Office:

The Secretary of State recommends that voter registration organizations submit completed applications as they are received.

Fair Elections Center and Campus Vote Project intend the information contained herein to be used only as a general guide. This document should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a licensed Pennsylvania legal professional.

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