Training Requirement: New Jersey does not require training for registration drives.
Notification and Registration Requirements: New Jersey does not have notification requirements for registration drives. Contact your county elections official for county-specific requirements:
Compensation Restrictions: Do not pay registration drive participants based on how many registrations they collect. Do not offer an applicant any incentive of monetary value to register to vote.
State Form: Both county-specific forms and a statewide form may be downloaded from the New Jersey Department of State website:
An organization may request a reasonable quantity of voter registration applications from the county commissioners of registration or the Secretary of State. The number of applications requested may be limited to two percent of the total number of voter registration applications which the county commissioners of registration has available at the time of the request, or 2,500 forms if request is made to the Secretary of State. There shall be no limit to the number of requests an organization or candidate may make. You can request registration forms from the Division of Elections by calling 609- 292-3760, (877)- NJ-VOTER (877-658-6837) or emailing
Federal Form: The federal mail-in voter registration application may be used in voter registration drives:
Photocopying Blank Forms: The voter registration application may be reproduced except that the return address portion of the voter registration application shall not be reproduced. Any completed voter registration application form which includes a reproduced return address portion must be rejected.
Incomplete Applications: A person may assist an applicant who is unable to personally complete a form. Individuals who provide that assistance must enter information in the appropriate portion of the application. If possible, the applicant shall sign or make their mark on the signature line of the application. If the applicant cannot sign or make their mark, the assisting individual shall write “unable to mark” on the signature line. Do not fill in any missing information on a registration form unless you have express permission from the applicant.
Photocopying Completed Applications: As a best practice, a voter’s full or partial Social Security Number and/or driver’s license number should not be retained.
Submitting Applications: Voter registration applications received in a voter registration drive should be submitted as soon as possible but must be received by the Division of Elections or the appropriate county elections office ( where the voter resides 21 days before Election Day.
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