Conducting a Voter Registration Drive in Maine

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Voter Registration Deadline

Applications submitted by mail or voter registration drive must be received by the local registrar by close of business 21 days before Election Day.

Maine allows for in-person voter registration through the close of the polls on Election Day

Getting Started

Training Requirement: Maine does not require training for registration drives.

Notification and Registration Requirements: Maine does not have notification requirements for registration drives.

Compensation Restrictions: Do not pay registration drive participants based on how many registrations they collect. Do not offer an applicant any incentive of monetary value to register to vote.

For more information on voting in elections, read the State of Maine’s Voter Guide:

Obtaining Applications

State Form: Maine registration cards can be obtained at no cost by requesting them from the Maine Office of Elections by completing the voter registration card request form available here:

Statewide candidates and qualified parties may request up to 2,000 cards per week, up to a total of 10,000 per election. Other individuals and organizations may request up to 1,000 per week, up to a total of 5,000 per election. Anyone may use the current electronic version of the Voter Registration Card to print additional cards. If voter registration drives opt to print their own cards, the cards must be printed double- sided on 4” x 6” green card stock. Print your own cards here:

Federal Form: The federal mail-in voter registration application may be used in voter registration drives:

Handling Applications

Incomplete Applications: Do not fill in missing information without the applicant’s express consent.

Photocopying Completed Applications: As a best practice, a voter’s full or partial Social Security number and/or driver’s license number should not be retained.

Mailing Applications or Submitting Them Through a Third Party: Completed applications must be delivered by 21 days before Election Day.

The Secretary of State (SOS) recommends delivering completed voter registration cards as soon as possible to the appropriate municipal registrar. The SOS requests that, if submitted to their office, completed registration cards be received by the 30th day before an election so they can distribute them to the appropriate municipal registrar. They also request that submissions of voter registration cards from drives be bundled together and returned with the contact information of the organization or individual conducting the drive.

If a new Maine voter who mails a voter registration application or submits an application through a third party does not include with the application a photocopy of one of the following identifying documents, an election official will contact the person to arrange submission of the document:

  • Maine driver’s license or other valid photo ID (including ID from a federally-recognized tribe);
  • current utility bill;
  • bank statement; paycheck stub; or
  • other government document that shows the voter’s name and address.


An applicant who attempts to register within 30 days of an election must be advised that the registrar might not receive the application before the deadline for mail– or third-person registration, but that the applicant may register in person through the close of polls.

Fair Elections Center and Campus Vote Project intend the information contained herein to be used only as a general guide. This document should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a licensed Maine legal professional.

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