Applications must be received or postmarked 29 days before Election Day. A specific turnaround time applies to voter registration drives turning in applications they collect. See below.
Training Requirement: Indiana does not require training for registration drives.
Notification and Registration Requirements: Indiana does not have notification requirements for registration drives.
Compensation Restrictions: : Indiana law prohibits payment or (or offers of payment) to individuals based on the number of absentee ballot applications or registration applications obtained by the individual.
Online Voter Registration: Available at Indiana Voter’s website to those with an Indiana driver’s license or non- driver ID here:
State Form: The state mail-in voter registration application can be obtained from the Secretary of State’s website or by calling the Secretary of State at 317-232-3939 or 1-866-IN-1-VOTE. The form can be downloaded here in English or Spanish:
Federal Form: The federal mail-in voter registration application may be used in voter registration drives:
Photocopying Blank Forms: Blank applications may be photocopied and used in voter registration drives.
Incomplete Applications: Individuals may assist applicants in the completion of voter registration forms. However, the Secretary of State’s office recommends asking the applicant to complete a new registration form if a change must be made after the applicant has signed the form.
Receipts: Indiana forms contain an Applicant’s Receipt including the date, printed, name, and residence address of the person who accepted the application. They also contain a “Certified Statement of Acceptance” section, which requires a person accepting an application to fill out the date accepted, name, and residence address, and sign the form.
Photocopying Completed Applications: There is no law or rule prohibiting photocopying or retaining information from completed registration applications. As a best practice, a voter’s full or partial Social Security number and/or driver’s license number should not be retained.
Submitting Completed Applications: Voter registration drive volunteers and employees must submit completed forms by noon 10 days after receiving the application or by the registration deadline, whichever is sooner. Forms may be mailed or hand-delivered by a person presenting the form on behalf of the voter. The National Mail Voter Registration Form may be mailed to Election Division; Office of the Secretary of State; 302 West Washington Street; Room E-204; Indianapolis, IN 46204-2743.
Fair Elections Center and Campus Vote Project intend the information contained herein to be used only as a general guide. This document should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a licensed Indiana legal professional. Last updated April 2024
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