Conducting a Voter Registration Drive in Delaware

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Voter Registration Drive

Applications must be received by the 4th Saturday before Election Day.

A specific turnaround time applies to voter registration drives turning in applications they collect. See below.

Getting Started

Training Requirement: Completing training allows a person to become a temporary registrar in the organized voter registration program, which permits the person to receive, distribute and collect Delaware voter registration forms. Those who complete the training will be certified as temporary registrars for two years or for the duration of the proposed voter registration drive, whichever is shorter. For details on being trained as a temporary registrar and conducting voter registration drives contact the State Election Commissioner at 302-739-4277 or visit:

Notification and Registration Requirements: All people and groups conducting voter registration drives within Delaware should register with the state election commissioner or a department of elections at least 30 days before conducting a drive. In addition, such persons or groups must list their name along with the name of the solicitor on each application collected and include a sequential number on the application to be used for the voter registration log. To apply to organize a voter registration drive, please use this form, which may be found here:

Compensation Restrictions: Individuals who have been trained as temporary registrars should not receive compensation for their voter registration activities. Do not pay registration drive participants based on how many registrations they collect. Do not pay or incentivize individuals to register to vote.

Planning: No drives may be conducted during a period of closed registration.

Obtaining Applications

State Form: The state form may be obtained in bulk from state election commissioner by individuals or groups who have received the appropriate training.

Federal Form: Use of the federal mail-in voter registration application for voter registration drives is unclear. Groups who wish to use federal forms for organized voter registration should reach out to the State Election Commissioner.

Photocopying Blank Forms: Delaware state voter registration forms may not be photocopied.

Handling Applications

Incomplete Applications: There is no law or administrative rule prohibiting a voter registration drive volunteer or organizer from filling in missing information on an application. Do not make changes to an application or adding missing information without the express consent of the applicant.

Photocopying Completed Applications: As a best practice, a voter’s full or partial Social Security number and/or driver’s license number should not be retained. The state instructs that forms must be filled out in blue or black pen.

Information for Applicants: Those conducting voter registration drives must inform each person who applies to register to vote that they are not registered to vote until the Department of Elections has verified and accepted the application.

Handling Applications (continued)

  • Applications must be submitted within five days of completion of the voter registration drive to the state election commissioner.

  • Voter registration drives must also turn in applications every five working days during the voter registration drive to the state election commissioner.

  • Any application completed prior to the close of voter registration before an election must be returned by 4:30 p.m. on the date registration closes.

  • Organizations must submit a log of applications that contains the name of organization, the inclusive dates that the applications listed were collected, a list of the full names of the applicants, and an application number assigned by the organization and marked on the application for each application to election officials.

  • Log sheets are available here: t.pdf

  • Log sheets for drive coordinators are available here: t(Master).pdf

  • All unused and damaged forms must be returned to the location directed by the State Election Commissioner within 5 days of the drive’s conclusion. 

  • Failure to abide by these regulations could result in $1000 fines and prohibitions against conducting future drives.

Fair Elections Center and Campus Vote Project intend the information contained herein to be used only as a general guide. This document should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a licensed Delaware legal professional. Last updated April 2024

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