Conducting a Voter Registration Drive in Colorado

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Voter Registration Drive

  • Applications collected during a voter registration drive must be received or postmarked 22 days before Election Day for the applicant to vote in that election without registering another way.
  • Applications collected by a drive must be delivered or postmarked no later than 15 business days after the application is signed or by the registration deadline, whichever is earlier.

  • Online registration is available through Election Day but must be completed by the 8th day before Election Day to receive a ballot in the mail; otherwise, you must go to a Voter Service and Polling Center. In-person registration is available throughout the early voting period and on Election Day at a Voter Service and Polling Center

Getting Started

Once an SOI is approved, it is valid for all drives conducted by that organization or organizer through the end of the calendar year. Any changes to the Organizer/Agent/contact information, etc. must be updated with the SOS no later than three business days after the change by submitting an updated SOI and if necessary a new Training Acknowledgment Form. The Training Acknowledgment Form is located here: atorVRDAcknowledgementForm.pdf

Upon receipt and verification of the Training Acknowledgment Form and test results the organizer will be informed of their status (approved or pending additional information), and issued a VRD number. Once the organizer receives notice that their status is approved they may train circulators to assist them with VRDs. The SOS provides a circulator training that must be used. The organizer must train all others who will assist with registration and must keep a signed attestation from each worker that they are aware of the penalties for mishandling applications. VRD organizers must assign each circulator collecting forms a unique identification number.

Compensation Restrictions: In Colorado, drives can pay participants collecting applications by the day, hour or event worked, but it is illegal to pay by the number of applications collected or distributed.

Obtaining Applications

State Form: A small supply of Colorado Voter Registration Drive Application Forms are available from county clerks’ offices and the Secretary of State’s office. VRDs can order a greater supply of these forms at no cost here:

Registration drive organizers must receive a registration number before they can receive the approved application forms.

Federal Form: The federal mail-in voter registration application may be used in registration drives, but the state voter registration form is preferred by the Secretary of State. Find the federal form here:

Obtaining Applications (cont.)

Photocopying Blank Forms: Voter registration applications for voter registration drives cannot be photocopied.

Online Registration Programs: If you intend to conduct a program to help citizens register to vote online, please request your unique URL from

Handling Applications

Incomplete Applications and Other Rules for Filling Out Forms: Colorado does not allow anyone other than the registrant or a person assisting the registrant while the registrant is present to make changes to applications. If collecting applications less than 22 days before Election Day, drives must inform applicants of the other ways to register. Circulators must provide blue or black pens for completing forms and may not highlight or otherwise mark registration drive application form other than to write the VRD number and circulator information.

Photocopying Completed Applications: Colorado does not prohibit voter registration drive participants from photocopying completed registration applications. The SOS recommends they redact the driver’s license, month and date of birth, email address, signature and Social Security Numbers from copied applications.

Submitting Completed Applications: The drive organizer is responsible for placing the VRD number on the application forms. The circulator must also include their unique circulator identification number on each voter registration form they submit. All registration applications collected as part of a voter registration drive (whether the federal form or the state form is used) must be delivered or postmarked no later than 15 business days after the application is signed or by the registration deadline, whichever is earlier. State or National voter registration applications collected by voter registration drives must be delivered/mailed to the county clerk and recorder of the county where the voter resides.

Fair Elections Center and Campus Vote Project intend the information contained herein is used only as a general guide. This document should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a licensed Colorado legal professional.

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