Restricting New Hampshire Students from Participating in Democracy

Testimony Opposing New Hampshire House Bills 362, 429, 531, 535 and 554, Which Would Change Domicile Rules to Prevent Students from Voting in New Hampshire, Eliminate Student ID as Acceptable Voter ID, and Prevent a Voter from Swearing an Affidavit to Register and Vote When Lacking Documentary Proof of Their Qualifications to Vote (2021)

New Hampshire Absentee Voting

Testimony Opposing New Hampshire HB 292, Which Would Create Options to Provide Voter ID or Have a Ballot Notarized When Voting Absentee In Person, and Supporting HB 516, Which Would Establish No-excuse Absentee Voter Registration and Voting, and HB 144, Which Would Would Permit Those with Certain Disabilities to Vote Securely from Home. (2021)

Restricting New Hampshire Students from Participating in Democracy

Testimony Opposing New Hampshire HB 531, 535, and 554, Which Would Change the Definition of Domicile to Make it Harder for Students to Register in New Hampshire and Prevent a Voter from Swearing an Affidavit to Register and Vote When Lacking Documentary Proof of Their Qualifications to Vote (2021)